
HTML Presentation Framework


Unordered List

Appearing List



Custom Background

Use data-bg="#fff" to add a custom background to the slide. All valid CSS color formats are supported.


data-bg="linear-gradient(#fff, #000)" adds a custom gradient to the background.


SNo Title Price
1 The Merchant of Venice $6
2 A Christmas Carol $7
3 Hamlet $5


"If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships - the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace."

– Franklin D. Roosevelt

Image and Text

Text and Image


Image with Caption


Don't like the default look, use some of the predefined themes or create one yourself.

Connect slides

Two slides can be connected using the <a> tag.

For instance, to go to slide 5, click here👈


Don't want animations, controls or progress bar?

They are customizable too. Just pass the parameters during initialization.

makeSlides.init({ showControls: false });

Get Started

Documentation and Source Code Made by Arish